🎨The Art

As the project has evolved over the last year, the art and grown with it. The gots will be in a 3 tier system.

The collection is split into 3 distinct tiers varying in size and evolution from BabyGot, MidGot, and MegaGot, resulting in a Got to suit anyones taste and personality. Between each tier they are split up into 4 different materials, 3D Printed, Clean Plastic, Painted Plastic and Wood, meaning each 'Trait' has 12 different asthetics.

With regards to trait matching, each trait will only be matched within its own tier and material. For consistency, the head gear trait will always match with either the legs or the armour. A full list of trait has not been discolsed yet, but expect to see it in the details such as eyes, chest plates and backgrounds.

Rare traits and RareGots

Of course, there will be some special materials found amongst the Gots. More information and sneak peaks of RareGots will be coming soon.

As the brand evolves so does our visual identity, and our logo's have been updated to reflect this.

Due to Copyright you are unable to sell anything using the Figuregot Trademarked logos.

Last updated