We will be operating a multi phase mint, this is to minimize gas wars and ensure our key community members have the opportunity to collect
According to statistics, only 12% of allowlist spots are minted, hence why we are implementing a tiered system.
Order I Inventory (allowlist spots) will be primarily reserved for community members, we understand that it’s difficult for people to be online often and in the same timezone to be noticed by team members which is why we will be implementing the Inventory Order Form. We will be providing simple in-discord activities and restarting puzzles on twitter in addition to this. (Order I will receive the Builder role in the Discord)
Order 1 has become slightly over allocated. We don't believe it to have a major impact as most wallets that were collected were last year and have since gone inactive- however, we still encourage you to keep this in mind when minting your Gots. Order 2 and public mint will remain FCFS
Order II Inventory (allowlist spots) will be distributed to alpha groups and external communities. There is a set number of Order II Inventory. (Order II will receive the Apprentice role in the Discord). It is possible if you receive Order II from your group allocation to get Order I through the community.
Order III will be a public mint.
Last updated